Saturday, July 25, 2009

Severe Storms

Yesterday we had bad storms here. I wanted the rain, but not destruction. We got pounded by heavy rain for a long time. Our garden survived okay, and it got the water it was desperate for. To our west, in West Union they got hit by 70+mph winds, plus hail that was baseball or tennis ball in size, about 4" diameter. We drove there for lunch today and took pics of the damage. Many trees were downed or damaged with limbs ripped off. And this house was badly damaged, too. We saw metal roofs ripped loose on outbuildings, and even the ditch weeds were laying flat, all pounded down.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sunflowers and Walla Walla onions

Here are more photos! I planted several kinds of sunflowers around the garden perimeter, these are for the birds, the giant ones aren't blooming yet. And look at the peppers around the lettuce!

Here are the Walla Walla onions, which we are now harvesting. I'm freezing them and we're canning carmelized onions, and any way we can think of.

July Progress photos #1

Here are the latest photos from the garden. The weeds and space have been overwhelming. We had to hire help to weed since our boy isn't here to help. I gave up getting the squash and melons in. Too late. We just aren't young in body any more, our minds want to do more than we really can because we remember being young and able.

Here are my petunias, growing in pots around the kitchen garden and hydro units.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More pictures of Garden

First, left, we have the rows of peas, Maestro, Laxton's #9, and Serge. Next we have the onions, a portion of them. And below is the new addition, space behind the barn. We will have pumpkins back there, and the raspberries, rhubarb and asparagus.

Yes, we have some weed problems, but we are dealing with them. We are mulching with hay, and hand weeding.